Anjali Mudra πŸ™πŸΎ
2 min readAug 13, 2020


A strange world we live in.
Refocusing people around you.
People have lot of solutions, advices, plan of actions not to apply for themselves but for others.
People find it difficult to accept their insecurities and weaknesses, let's put it this way that some of them are not even aware of it.
They just enjoy to be the center of attention and find it hilarious pulling you down. They lack self awareness and will never accept it. There are some who reflect back at your wounds without being willing to help you heal. Triggering your insecurities and making you feel worse and mistreating you.

Leaving you unsure about you, fear of judgement, fear of being left out, being alone, trying to hard to fit in, you stat to live in a continues process of proving that you are loveable and worthy.

All these leads to being the worst versions of you. You tend to look at your self through others which ends in you trying harder to satisfy there needs, wants and egos. Practically it's impossible to keep everyone happy all the time. While you fail you are hurt deep down to the core. Some time it's ok to feel compassion towards them as everyone has good and bad days but if it keeps repeating -

Time to balance. -
It's ok not to have too many people around but it is important to know the kind of people around are worth your energy.

Time to remember -
Not to forget that others look at you with their experiences and expectations they want from you and they have their own unsolved traumas.

Time to understand -
no one will ever exactly understand what your feelings are and what is your journey like.

Time to realise -
You deserve to be with people who know that it's your corner.

Time to accept -
Settings boundaries for people to respect you if not they are clearing space for those who do.

Time for gratitude -
Someone who loves and supports you on the hard days and treats you with care inspite of a gloomy situation that relationship is sacred.

It might feel unnatural to let go and break the very old pattern of hanging on to these set of people as you are with them from a longer time.
People might even find it difficult to move towards you, find you arrogant, weak, anti social, sensitive etc That's alright, this doesn't make you crazy, it means that you really want to heal.

Moving forward in this journey the urge to be a better person than what you are today will not be there. The practice will show you that at your core you cannot be better than who you are already.

And as I always keep saying -
People who really care, feel your need, want your presence will find their way towards you.



Anjali Mudra πŸ™πŸΎ

yoga teacher, yoga nidra guide, therapeutic art life coach, councelling practicioner