Anjali Mudra 🙏🏾
1 min readMay 23, 2021


A true connection or just being friendly.

I’m grateful to be a part of an inter-connected world, where we all are just a call away.

But truly are we ?

Sometimes I wonder, this way of being “friendly” with people is "numbing"

A reality check ~
it's easy not to be alone but feel lonely.

It takes some serious time and effort to form true connections.

It takes great questions and honest answers.

It takes moments of encouragement.

It takes some span of time to “listen”

It takes some level of understanding from each other not only of
WHAT WE ARE but of

“We all need real connections”

It's much more difficult than it sounds.

Proximity can be an illusion......

It's time to be honest with our own self ~
About the quality of our relationships and
Identifying real connections.....

Being aware and not forget the real meaning of giving and receiving.

If this has sparked something inside you ?

Consider a connection rather than just being friendly.



Anjali Mudra 🙏🏾

yoga teacher, yoga nidra guide, therapeutic art life coach, councelling practicioner